Thursday, January 24, 2019

Painted Ceilings in Preparation for Wood Planks

I haven't been keeping up with everything we've done lately, but I'll try to go back and fill in.

This week I've been painting ceilings.  Either that extra foot in height makes a big difference or I'm just getting weak, but painting these ceilings is a lot harder than our last house.

We didn't tell my mother-in-law why we painted the ceilings brown and she looked at it, and then at us, with a strange look on her face, but she didn't say anything.  Then we told her we were going to put wood on the ceiling and didn't want white showing between the joints.  She was so relieved.  I know she wanted to tell us it looked bad. lol

This photo is dark but lightening it a little didn't seem to make a difference.

Afterward, Hubby couldn't wait to get the paper off the floor and see what it looked like, so against my better judgement, I agreed. It will make painting the walls a little harder though but we have tarps.


  1. I would be scared stiff that dribbles of paint would ruin that fine floor finish. Once cladded that ceiling will really transform the space, and I guess the floor too if it reflects into it.

  2. Oh, such a wise and tactful Mother-in-law. One who knows when to remain silent, such a blessing. It was something I never had and often wished for.

