Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Rough Plumbing Is In, and Another Wind Story

There's a song They Call the Wind Maria  (or Mariah in some editions).  Sounds like a name for someone nice, doesn't it?  Clearly, whoever wrote that song never had to carry plywood in it, or try to wrap Tyvek on a house.  If so, the song might have had a title like They Call the Wind Abaddon.  Nine out of every ten days seems to have winds from 15-25 mph.  Last night, I talked with a few neighbors and one of them also had garage doors blown out when we did.  When I said that it seemed to be an unusally windy year, they said that it is usually worse than this.  Yikes!  Now I know why homesteaders planted windbreaks.

The plumbers helpers finished the rough plumbing inside and installed three outdoor faucets, on front and back porches, and one on the RV pad.  It's so nice to be able to have hoses outside instead of all from our single indoor faucet.

It was warm and humid while they were here (of course), so they opened all the windows to take advantage of the strong wind blowing through.  After they left that evening, I closed the windows and noticed one screen was bent in the center top and bottom.  Yes, the wind bent the screen.

"...and I call the wind Abaddon!"

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